Thursday 31 March 2011

7. Looking Back At Your Preliminary Task (The School Magazine Task), What Do You Feel You Have Learnt In The Progression From It To Full Product

Since doing my Preliminary Task I feel that I have learned how to use ‘inDesign’ and I have really enjoyed learning how to use it. Before I did my college magazine on word because I felt that, that gave be the option to do so much more. I used ‘Publisher’ however, when doing my mock up for my college magazine. But being able to use ‘inDesign’ enabled me to create the layout I wanted for my whole magazine of the front cover, contents page and double page spread.

As seen underneath, I feel that I have really improved and learned how to layout and work with more photos and typography to get a more professional look to my magazine. For example, I am playing with some more dramatic and eye catching colours as well as more appropriate graphology and typography for the buzz, plug and puff words.

I also feel that my Photoshop techniques has increased as I am now able to understand more clearly how the layout and the whole package makes an successful magazine.

6. What Have You Learnt About Technologies From The Process of Constructing This Product

I have learned quite a lot from the different technologies I used. ‘inDesign’ was the software which I learned the most because when I began with this project I had never used ‘inDesign’ before and I enjoyed using it allot and will and hope to use it in the future. I have for example learned how to add the photos, text box chnage the colours, fonts, size and just learn how to do the basics of the layout of the magazine.

I also used ‘Photoshop’ allot when editing my photos; however I already knew how to use that. Then the rest of the technologies were mainly word, ‘PowerPoint’, publisher and then the Blog. I also relied allot on my memory stick to transfer photos from home to the college database computer.

I also used 'Slideshare' to upload documents and transfere my 'Word', 'Powerpoint' and other documents to the Blogger.

5. How Did You Attract/Address Your Audience

After doing my research on my target audience with the questionnaire I decided to take an inspiration from a fashion magazine and make it contain music features. The reason for this is due to the amount of people within my audience who seem to prefer to buy more fashion magazines rather than music. This therefore made my decision to try and make these girls to become interested in my magazine, which has a fashion look and style yet all contents are music features. So to address my audience I did a lot of research and looked in a lot of Vogue and Elle magazine as they are the top fashion magazine out on the market.

Therefore I attracted and addressed my target audience by doing this fashion looks style, with the inspiration from Vogue and Elle and to make a front cover influenced by them-as this is what most people are attracted to when buying a magazine.

4. Who Would Be The Audience For Your Media Product

The target audience for my music magazine is mainly females at the age of twenties up to the fifties. This is a very broad age audience, but is aimed at a more formal and well educated students and adults. This will therefore narrow the audience down to a more niche based group. Because most of the girl does not buy music magazine, I made the magazine look more like a fashion magazine, so that the audience could be towards music magazine buyer fans as well.