Thursday 31 March 2011

6. What Have You Learnt About Technologies From The Process of Constructing This Product

I have learned quite a lot from the different technologies I used. ‘inDesign’ was the software which I learned the most because when I began with this project I had never used ‘inDesign’ before and I enjoyed using it allot and will and hope to use it in the future. I have for example learned how to add the photos, text box chnage the colours, fonts, size and just learn how to do the basics of the layout of the magazine.

I also used ‘Photoshop’ allot when editing my photos; however I already knew how to use that. Then the rest of the technologies were mainly word, ‘PowerPoint’, publisher and then the Blog. I also relied allot on my memory stick to transfer photos from home to the college database computer.

I also used 'Slideshare' to upload documents and transfere my 'Word', 'Powerpoint' and other documents to the Blogger.

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