Thursday 31 March 2011

2. How Does Your Music Magazine Represent Particular Social Groups?

I got my influential inspiration mainly from vogue magazine. Even though this is a fashion and not a music magazine, I chose to make the graphology, discourse structure and the typography similar to Vogue and Elle magazine, but the contents are all about music.

I have decided to compare this photo of Naomi with my magazine. This photo and my photo have a similar shot with a close up used on the front cover. It is also vital that on a front cover that the model is looking into the camera lens to make contact with the viewer and audience. The white furry jacket around her face, only showing the skin on her face is what took me to my inspiration to shoot the photo I have on my front cover. The facial expression is also quite similar, with the calm innocent yet romantic eyes starring on the audience.

Over all I think that these small detailed elements represents a higher social group of educated students and middle aged females mostly.

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